MuseumFromHome: Romans
Whilst Ely Museum closed its doors back in September when our National Lottery Heritage Fund redevelopment project began, the current COVID-19 situation brings a new set of challenges for us all!
Over the coming weeks, as many people settle into new routines for learning and working from home, join the team from Ely Museum as we #MuseumFromHome!
We'll be bringing short lessons & craft ideas, all inspired by our collection at the museum to help during this time! If you have requests or ideas for future sessions - please do let us know!
Lots of museums and heritage organisations across the world are joining in, so remember to search #MuseumFromHome to see what everyone else is up to as well & join in wherever you are in the world!
Whilst unfortunately we have had to cancel our planned Roman day in April at Ely Market & Ely Library, we thought we'd start with some Roman fun today!

Phil, our Education Assistant, has prepared this downloadable lesson on Roman pottery for you to enjoy! Please download this PDF for free and enjoy learning about different types of Roman pottery & try the quiz at the end!
Why not take a look at the different types of pottery you can find in your house too? Are they made from different materials or do they have different uses?
The BBC Bitesize website also has some fun Roman lessons to try, so do head to their page too!

On our Facebook page we're also having fun trying three different Roman crafts too. Visit our post HERE to watch 3 videos explaining how to make each craft to make your own Roman helmet, coin & catapult!
If you have fun making any of these crafts - please do send us some pictures as we love seeing them! You can share them with us on social media by using our tagging us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram pages or using #ElyMuseum & #MuseumFromHome
Print these images below too and enjoy colouring in a Roman coin, vase, soldier and pattern too or use scraps of paper to make your own Roman mosaic!
You can also learn more about Roman coins on this fun worksheet and have a go at designing your own coin too - what will you put on yours?