MuseumFromHome: Christmas!
Merry Christmas from all at Ely Museum! We hope you are all excited for Christmas in just a few weeks time, whilst we know Christmas this year might look different for many of us, we hope you will enjoy this special #MuseumFromHome!
We're delighted that Father Christmas found a few moments in his busy schedule to leave this special message for all the boys & girls of Ely!
While all of us at Ely Museum, as well as all at the North Pole, are sad that we couldn't have our normal grotto this year, which was supposed to be today, we are so glad to know that all is well at Father Christmas' workshop & that they are busy preparing for Christmas too!
Normally, at the grotto, we'd also have lots of fun making some Christmas themed crafts - find a special craft video over on Facebook too and have at go at making your own at home
Download our fun Christmas quiz below and see how many of the questions you can answer? Who in your family will get the most points?
Lots of people look forward to Christmas dinner each year, and whilst things may look different this year, why not have a go at designing your own perfect Christmas dinner here?
Remember to include all your favourite things!
Have a go at our Christmas word search too - will you be able to find all of the hidden words?