MuseumFromHome: Anglo Saxons

As the covid-19 situation continues & we continue to learn and work from home, our #MuseumFromHome series is back for another week!

We’ll be bringing short lessons & craft ideas, all inspired by our collection at the museum to help during this time! If you have requests or ideas for future sessions – please do let us know!

Lots of museums and heritage organisations across the world are join in, so remember to search #MuseumFromHome to see what everyone else is up to as well & join in wherever you are in the world!

Join us today as we learn about the Anglo Saxons and have fun with activities and crafts

A beautiful Anglo Saxon brooch from the collection at Ely Museum

The Anglo-Saxons were great at many different crafts and made intricate jewellery, musical instruments and home-made toys and games, sometimes with a hidden message. They were also keen storytellers and would gather together in feasting halls to tell stories. Sometimes, the used a musical instrument called a lyre to accompany their stories. The Anglo-Saxons also liked to play with words too and amused themselves by telling clever riddles.

Download a fun Anglo-Saxon lesson here and see what secret messages you can find in our brooch

Riddles & Secret Pictures of the Anglo Saxons Download

After that, do try our fun rat tail brooch inspired activity & make your own maze too!

Rat Tail Brooch MazeDownload

Next, download these instructions to make & play your own Anglo-Saxon game! It is called 'Three Men’s Morris' and is similar to modern day noughts and crosses but is over 3000 year old! Who will be the winner in your house?

Play an Anglo Saxon GameDownload

If you visit the Ely Museum Facebook Page you can follow along with our craft tutorials and make your own Anglo Saxon helmet, inspired by the beautiful one found at Sutton Hoo and make your own Anglo Saxon brooch too!

Anglo Saxon Helmet TemplateDownload

If you want to learn more, do visit the BBC Bitesize which has lots of great Anglo Saxon lessons and activities or look online for inspiration & make your own Anglo Saxon shield