Our Loan boxes are a great addition to the classroom, containing both real and replica objects that bring history to life. All objects are safe to handle in the classroom and meet the needs of the National Curriculum.

Loan boxes are available to schools as well as other educational clubs and societies.

To book a loan box please email our Learning Officer at learning@elymuseum.org.uk. Boxes are collected and returned to the museum and are booked on a weekly basis at £20 per week.

See below for the details of the exciting curriculum based loan boxes we offer.





Email: learning@elymuseum.org.uk

Phone: 01353 666655


Loan Boxes


Dive into the prehistoric ocean of Ely’s past. From Ammonites to Pliosaurs, this box contains real fossils from our handling collection as well as fact sheets to aid in teaching your history, science or art related topics.


An ideal introduction to the topic of prehistory, this box contains a collection of objects both archaeological and replica from the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. Handle items which our ancient ancestors handled and use replicas to understand their sophisticated technologies.


Use our extensive collection of real and replica Roman artefacts to piece together Roman life. Shards of Roman pottery, all found in locally to Ely, provide us with evidence of life here in the past.

Anglo Saxon

Handle our vast collection of replica Anglo Saxon objects from clothing to coins. Find out how our predecessors dressed, farmed, traded and lived from day-to-day.


Bring our local recent history to life with the objects in our Fenland box. Supporting your local history and geography teaching, find out how our unique landscape shaped life here in the past.


Discover life in Victorian Britain through our collection of handling objects. Can the children work out what the objects would have been used for and who would have used them?

Toys In The Past

Immerse yourself in our wonderful real and replica collection of toys from the past. Learn how to play with traditional games and find out more about the materials they were made from.


Use our specially curated selection of artefacts to explore WW2 and its impact on people’s lives and society.